10 Things I Know About Divorce

  1. If I am the one getting divorced, I get to make the decisions about how I want to move through it.
  1. I cannot meet my needs at the expense of another without escalating conflict. And if I escalate conflict with my words, actions, and deeds, I am responsible for the consequences that come back at me.
  1. Even if I win, I may lose. Those agreements that feel good on the front end are not necessarily sustainable agreements.
  1. Knowledge is power. Know your finances. Know your budget for the future. Know your deepest needs. And if you don’t know them, seek support in getting to know them.
  1. I can request mediation at anytime during the divorce process, either before or after I hire an attorney, if I even decide to hire an attorney. I highly recommend at least consulting with an attorney to ensure that your legal rights and responsibilities are covered, but if there are not significant or complex assets, there are many pro se options for divorcing couples. Check out the options in your state.
  1. I am 100% responsible for the decisions I make in my divorce.
  1. The past is what got me here, and if I keep facing in that direction, I may severely handicap my future. As Dr. Seuss so aptly states, “You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
  1. Even if my husband keeps throwing mud, I do not have to pick it up and throw it back.
  1. I will be co-parenting with my husband for the rest of my life, and putting the children’s best interests on the table may change the way I make decisions.
  1. Just because a lawyer says it doesn’t mean it’s true. I get to check it out for myself.

I mediated my divorce, and you can read more about mediation here.

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